Friday, 12 October 2012

Trifextra Week 37

This weekend they are challenging us to write 33 of our own words to build upon the following:
On the count of three...
We can choose to include those words if we want, but they do not count toward the 33 words of our own.

“On the count of three!” she cried.
I’ll be honest, it surprised me. I’m no Lothario, but I’ve had my share of pillow talk. Being ‘counted in’, though, was certainly a first.
And it quite spoiled the moment.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Trifextra: Week 6

It's another 33-word challenge over at Trifecta. Stories so short that even I could manage one. The challenge was to complete the following story in exactly 33 words:
The phone rang at 4am.

Still awake, Jen watched him scramble to put it to silent. Eyes now shut, she allowed him to think her asleep.  As he tiptoed out, she curled up and pulled the sorrow close.

Friday, 17 February 2012

As told by Macbeth

Seriously, those three witches must have been on something.